Monday, December 27, 2004

Wow....that was awesome his comment on his last entry. I think we should all email him to get funny things like that said on a somewhat daily basis for our amusement. Harpreet should definately write a xanga....dun dun dunnn.....dooo it..

So Christmas has been a blast. My family played games for 3 days straight, interuppted by a few fights as every Christmas needs (and would be expected for 4 people confined to a table for 72 hours).

On a somewhat related note, I love giveing presents, but never know how to receive them. What is the believable amount of interest and appreciation for something you're not sure you want or don't really think is pretty. Should I just suck it up and say thank you then never wear it, or pretend at the time, and ask for a receipt at a later time. I would hope people would tell me....damn that's ugly liberachi. why did you ever get it for me? what were you thinking!? Ok mayble not that harshly, but I think i'd want to know. Along those lines, i got my mom a banana hammock cuz it's just funny and she said a while ago that they were the stuipdest invention she'd ever seen. It was cheap and only a gag, and it was from santa, so she got really nice really cool presents from me too. she didn't think it was as funny as lindsey and i did. does no one get our/my humor??

Chels and tina and tiff and liz and some boy came over last night and we played turbo cranium. It was wicked fun. It's funny though, I think I can be totally not competetive when someone else brings the game (like I don't think I was too bad playing that game about rules etc) but then we played Catch Phrase (my game) and it killed me that people were breaking the rules. Why??? I could let it slide for someone else's game, but insisted for my game it had to be played correctly. interesting. coltrol maybe....but that doesn't make sense. i dunno! Happy boxing day (dec 26th) and umm i'm going shopping now! bye!

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