Friday, June 30, 2006

Ok so step 1: I quit my job 2 days ago. (No end date in sight, I'm just no longer Program Manager)

Step 2: I decided to quit the phd program (about a week ago). I didn't do well on the qualifiers and may or may not retake these in August. I haven't decided. I do plan on coming back to get my PhD, but not right now. (oh and I was planning on quitting for a while so it's pretty unrelated to the failing the test thing).

Step 3: I applied for a bunch of jobs (11) last Saturday with different companies all over the US. So I applied to this systems engineering position for spectrum astro/general dynamics last saturday and I had a phone interview with one of the systems managers "Chip" I think was his name, last tuesday and he said he wanted to get me out there for an interview. Today HR called and gave me their application and asked me to send it in. I'm getting set up for an interview out there - and I didn't even name drop that my Dad's best friend is a program manager there. (I did use Dr Reed's name though...she's all over my resume and she came up in conversation). Apparently the position I applied for was pretty senior level but they're opening up a junior level position that I can apply for. I'm probably headed to Phoenix for an interview....all within a week of deciding to get a job! Yeahhhh!

Step 4: Wait....learn to be patient, and make a few decisions:


Questions I am unable to answer at this point (so don't bother asking):

1. Am I retaking the qualifier?

2. Will I move to Phoenix?

3. Will I sell my house?

4. Am I going to Canada at the end of July (dunno b/c the retest is the week I get back. so I wouldn't exactly be studying in Canada).


Questions I can answer:

1. Why might I retake the qual? B/c I do plan to come back and don't want to lose all of the knowledge I had and I'm kinda annoyed I didn't pass it.

2. What is systems engineer? It's the person who makes sure all the individual designers are talking to each other. That person also writes requirements and tests to make sure those tests are verified. It's 1/2 dealing with people, 1/2 doing engineering.

3. What is the job I really want? working with USA for NASA in Houston training the astronauts (I could also keep my house this way).

4. What is the #2 job? General Dynamics. in phx




  1. I am so happy for you Libs!!!  Keep me upated!!  I love ya!

  2. Good for you girl!  Sounds like a plan to have no real plans.  Just like me! =)
