Wednesday, October 27, 2004

'One fine'll look at meeee.' I love that song...i think the movie's just too cute too! So i've been watching more chick flicks than normal and listening to girl music...and getting entirelly idealistic. I like being single, i really do - i love the freedom with my schedule and i kinda like not being in the middle of a crush, because my mind is clear - i'm not thinking about a certain you-know-who constantly....and while i think it would be nice to be dating someone, it's not something i need right now in life.

This has only surfaced as a problem these last few days - the cute songs and movies make me feel like i'm missing something. Shedaisy's song 'every kiss, before this was nothing but a waste of breathe, and every i love you was just a whoop dee doo, never knew what i missed, before this' is so undeniably cute that it makes me want to run out and date....but only for a song! here in grad school about 1/2 of the semi-desirables are married and the rest are in relationships. i know i'm kinda young compared to them, but to have so many married!

We went dancing in austin last weekend (my friend from college station and a few from austin) and had an absolute blast. There were all these semi-cute guys with nice bodies that kept trying to dance with friend resorted to pretending she had a wedding ring to get them away. Sometimes when you just want a girl's night, why are all guys so insistent that it shouldn't happen? I'm not saying i never want to dance with guys, but why doesn't 'no thanks' mean what it says? Is there something wrong with just wanting to dance with your friends or just be single? I know a good many americans are currently single, but my guess is that they hide in the woodworks, avoiding all the couple-y places.

Listen up world:  I'm single. Not only is that a choice I made (not something imposed on me), but I'm happy with my decision... so live with it!



  1. yea! see i feel the same way too! its my choice and im havin a blast! i love being single. no worries.
    oh by the way did ou hear about mr. Preston Wendell....  welp, looks like hes gonna be the first to get married, hes gonna beat steph :-O yup he got ingadged and getin married in august! and hes really happy! so, just wanted to spread the new

  2. HI! Uhh I looove the song, and nice decision! I kinda just made the same one! To date... a lot! Except no one will date me! They just call me, but don't date me! That's okay though. But yeah I'm all for just fun! Relationships suck? Who wants one of those? NO ONE!
