Sunday, January 23, 2005

Ok so the real story: Yes Kim and Manda came over on Thursday night and we played monopoly and catch phrase and sorta the friends game and pigged out and had a real sleepover (we watched a really bad movie called 'sleepover', hehe). then the next morning we were discussing what to do and we were in my living room and I was facing my hideously 80's wall that the people left, and I was just saying I'm going to paint this eventually,, what do you think of light blue and they were like, that's what we can do! so i said...ok....are you sure?? I feel bad, and they're like, no we want to, so either they were lying to me or to their xanga...hmmm. But they did and great job and looked totally cute in my mom's hospital scrubs and i gave them dinner as their reward, haha. no it really was fun, even if i had to watch like 12 hours of sports. oh and the manda hair cutting thing: we both have short hair, i know how to cut short hair, and it came out pretty good...yea manda??

anywho after they left on sat i went and got some more stuff done then made these pillows to match my new wall. aren't they cute!?? And i added a pic of the wall the girls improved:

Visit youskinnycow's Xanga Site!                           

(The pillows are powder blue and dark blue, some with chords around the pillow.) (The wall is a really nice powder blue).

Bottom line: manda and kim lie...i'm not a slave driver, i just expect my guests to earn their dinner :)

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