Monday, November 15, 2004

Guess What! OH MY GOSH!!! We got a puppy! Well my parents did, but it was while I was home for the weekend. Her name is Moe (we're changing that...) and she's a 1 yr old spitz (American Eskimo). She's totally cute and already potty trained and hyper but still a lap dog.....she looks just like Candy, too (our 2nd dog who we had to give away). Oh and randomly, she's a purebread...we always have mutts, she has papers and's crazy! She looks just like the picture, but she has a really happy dumb look, not quite so sophistocated.

The other crazy thing that happened while we were home is I was helping my dad paint the trim on our if you've seen my house you'll understand how terrified I was to be at the top of the ladder painting the tip of the peak, where my 6ft 200lb father was too scared to paint. Granted, he has a fear of heights, so I went up to keep him from doing it, b/c it had to be done. The scary part wasn't the wind that hit you cuz you were so high up, or the fact that my legs were spasming at the very top while holding the huge paint can and holding the ladder and painting at the same time, no actually it was the fact that in Dynamics class we just learned about how a beam oscillates, i.e., while climbing 1/2 way up the ladder, it started to vibrate and shake like on tv (EVERYTIME!!! and I knew the physics behind it and the fact that it would only get worse if i didn't move!) and while climbing, i was of course carrying the paint up with me...everytime. So scary! I had to go back and forth like 4 times because there's 2 peaks and 2 different paints for each peak. AHh!

Bottom Line: We got a really cute puppy that I want to call Schmoe...haha. and my house (the tallest point) is only 30 ft high, funny how on a ladder that's shaking the whole time you're painting and trying to hold the ladder brush and the paint can at the same time it feel like so very much higher :)

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