Thursday, November 18, 2004

Isn't Minnie Mo so cute!?? This is long, but kinda!

Ok Preface to the entry: I consider myself a nonconfrontational person (when i'm upset or anygry with someone, I don't normally tell them.). - if this is contrary to what is true, like the time I said I thought I was a quiet person, please let me know! With this said you can read on.

So I was thinking about the only quote unquote (haha i wrote that out.) fight I've ever really been in (no there was no hair pulling or wet tshirts or pillows involved). I was sitting in the library (one of 4 times my college career) and I heard one of my new freshmen friends (cute fish my roommate and i adopted and took to the mall and dinner and stuff) who (sidenote) was also on the dance team.

Anyway, I heard her talking shit about my sorority loudly in the library one day (which while that's not cool, I decided people are entitled to their opinions.) Then she started saying crap about me, and while that's also not cool, I have enough restraint to turn the other cheek. THEN she started talking shit on my 2 best friends (one was my roommate and the other was captain of the dance team she was on). That was definately not cool.

Sidenote: To set the scene, she was talking loudly enough to a room full of people that on the other side of the library, I clearly heard her (she didn't see me or know i was there, and i thought we were friends).

So I walk up to her, told her what a f*$&-hole I thought she was and why. Oh and that she better make some friends quickly because after tonight she lost quite a few. The whole thing (her talking shit to my confrontation) was only 5 min, but it was literally the most exhilerating time of my life. I felt so good standing up for my friends, but it makes me question 2 things:

1. Why was it that I had no problem putting her in her place for saying things about my friends, but I would never approach her about her saying crap about me?

Answer: it should be b/c christian values tell me to 'turn the other cheek' but then I shouldn't have ever told her off because God would judge her for what she said and I shouldn't, so the answer isn't Christian based....hmmm

2. Why did it feel (and still does to this day) so good?

Response: Don't worry, I don't intend to go off on people forever, I mean, this happened 2 years ago and I haven't done a single confrontational thing since, but I do feel guilty not so much for saying what I did, but for how it made me feel (your thoughts are appreciated to answer either question).

Bottom Line: Misery love comradery (JD on 'Scrubs') that's not it. If you're feeling down, yelling at people who say shit on your friends drastically improves your mood! :)

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