Monday, November 8, 2004

So I was sick all sucked...kinda a cold/flu thing...basically i was lazy and had no energy. i hate that you have no problem with life moving on without you and your biggest concern is the number of times you've had to get out of bed to go pee.

ok i wasn't THAT lazy, i did make my lime green/puce hideously colored bike (that I had to steel the wheels from for my real bike that some idiot woman in san antonio hit!) so anyway i have this extra bike frame now, and i didn't want it to go to waste, so for about $20 i turned it into a stationary bike. i made a stand for the back tires and used the brakes to create tension on the gears so that it's actually a workout to pedal....i'm kinda excited...i feel like i achieved something....granted it took all weekend because i kept taking naps between each minor accomplishment (rotate a screw twice, nap, screw, nap....long process).

on sunday i went to the renessaince festival. my friend kept asking me cuz i think she felt bad that it was initially a couple thing and she kept talking about it in front of me while never inviting me, so as soon as it wasn't a couple thing, she invited me...constantly. i dunno....i had fun. i was tired though and we were there allll day. i feel like if i don't do things like that i'll miss out, but this time, i think i wish i didn't go....i spent $50 on admission, food, and cute wax roses, (majority went to admission though). i guess the best part was the ridiculously huge strawberry one of those long plastic beakers - that was cool....i never had one of those.

Basically: I saw the incredibles the day it came out. (it was an adorable adult action/comedy....monsters inc is still my favorite). (ha....that had nothing to do with the rest of this submission...haha)

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