Sunday, October 31, 2004

I spent the weekend being entirely productive! (and extremely lazy too...) I fixed my garage door, finally fixed my bike, made a really slutty dress into an adorable nice skirt, hemmed my pants, got my palm pilot to play mp3's, got it to connect to the wireless internet too, and and sure much more important things....the only thing left to do is my research and homework (haha)...oh oh oh most importantly!

There's this shirt from Victoria Secrets I've wanted for years (literally like 3) and could never rationalize spending so much for it...then I realized hello! it's still there and i've wanted it for this long...what's $30??! (of course once I got online i ended up spending like 90....oh oh oh and you remember those shoes that the stupid airlines lost that i absolutely adored? my ginder rodgers shoes? I couldn't find them anywhere, and thanks to ebay i found them brand new and for only $26 including is soooo good! (and i just bought $15 of candy for trick or treaters...and if none come, hmmm it's all mine!) now i'm off to make cupcakes. I love halloween! I'm watching hocus pocus and it's just the cutest movie and the first time i saw it was with aunt esther :) there's so many famous people in it!

Bottom line: i was extremely busy this weekend while practically never leaving bed, and bought the shirt and shoes that have been missing from my life. ahh my life is complete!

1 comment:

  1. that movie is soo graeat! i just bought it the other week! i love the midnight margaritas!!! soo cute, so did you go out on halloween? well your comin home next weekend?
