Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So I found a way to cheat the $1 DVD rental system: You need to return the movie by midnight, but no matter what time you rent, you need to return it by the second midnight. Ok, so what I do is I rent a movie Sunday, so it's due Mon at midnight. Then I stay at work really late on Monday (not entirely by choice) and get to the machine and return the movie at 11:55pm. Then I go get gas because I'm low and mail off this letter I've been meaning to send, come back to the DVD machine and rent another movie at 12:05am. I now have 48 hours (Return it Wed night) to watch the movie, thus minimizing the time I spend coming to the grocery story on a daily basis, and plus since it's technically Tuesday, all the cool new movies are available and I have first pick. Last night I got Failure to Launch and King Kong, that last one mostly because I was so excited there were new movies I got one I didn't really want to see.....plus I figured if I have a 3 hr movie waiting for me at home, I'd just leave work really really early.

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